This is topic that is so difficult for many to discuss. The economy has been spiraling down for what seems like forever now. We impatient Americans are screaming, "When is it going to change?!" I know...I have been one of them! I have friends and family that have lost their jobs and are having trouble finding new ones. My hours were cut from 30 hours to 20 hours per week. My husband got moved from 1st shift to 2nd shift, and our health insurance premiums went up. Our budget has been beaten to death...but we both do still have our jobs. In many ways I feel guilty saying that, so that was what inspired me to do this blog entry.
I had a long time where I couldn't find time to get on here and write. Well, now I do cause my hubby is working, and my kiddos are asleep. I want to talk about these tough times. People are getting hours cut, getting laid off, fired, losing homes, and I am sure that many stomach ulcers have been birthed from these events. I know how hard it is because I too lost my job about 5 years ago when I was a single mom, raising my son with rent to pay, and only child support sporadically coming in...very sporadic! There were many times I fed my son, ate his leftovers, and then sent him to school. Don't get me wrong, my parents helped me out BIG time! However, I felt like such a loser. I look back now and I am ashamed. I should have taken that time to get closer to God, count my blessings, and learn as much about the ONLY thing that can help you during these times....GOD!
That's right. I am getting on my soap-box tonight. I say to those who do not believe, that have lost their jobs, and/or feel hopeless, "Instead of blaming God and asking, 'What has He done for me?' Why not try Him out? What are you going to lose....seriously?" I know that this seems sarcastic, but I am very serious. It was at the end of that jobless period in my life when I turned to Him, and I finally started to learn more. He hasn't let me down once. I have let Him down MANY times, and I have let myself down a TON, but He has NEVER EVER let me down.
I am the most impatient person I have ever met in my life. I do NOT like to wait for anything. I even get impatient using the bathroom! I have 4 kids, things to do...HURRY UP HERE!! lol But seriously, I have and still am learning that God will come through for you. It won't be when you think you HAVE to have that answer or solution, but it is exactly at the perfect time when you truly need it. He knows the perfect time far better than us.
My husband and I have financially struggled many times in our short marriage of 2 years, and finally this last time I had a friend tell me that I just needed to let go. She told me that He will lead me out of this just like He led Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promise Land. We are still not making enough money for what we need to in order to pay our bills, but miraculously...they are getting paid! My husband got an unexpected bonus, and I was able to make some extra money too! Next, our tax returns came in the nick of time. I even got my paycheck early one week!!!
So, you ask..."How will He do that for me?" Well, I have to tell you that it is not easy. I recommend that you start by reading Psalm 121. This passage alone gives me peace and sets me straight. However, I also recommend that you start hanging around good people that have faith and believe in God as well. MOST importantly...PRAY...and when you think that you've prayed enough...pray again!
I pray when I drive, when I shower, while I cook, while I watch TV, while I am using the restroom, I think you get the point. We always use the excuse that we don't have time...well...I just proved you wrong. We drive, shower, use the restroom, cook, eat, and even a minute before you go to sleep...PRAY! If you fall asleep while you lay in bed, then kneel down beside your bed. COME ON!! What do you have to lose here but maybe 1 minute of sleep?! You should also have others pray too. I have several friends that call me and ask me to pray for them. I not only do that, but I ask others (with their permission) to do the same. I email our church and ask the church group to pray for them. They have a team of people that pray for people. It is great!
With prayer comes faith...and what good will come of prayer if you don't truly believe that He will answer that prayer. He will..just be patient! Seriously...have you ever tried to do something and someone watching tries to put their hands in there to "help" and suddenly messes up the whole thing?! I experiences, cakes, crafts etc. Those people thought that I just needed a little help cause I wasn't fast enough. They had no faith in me, and as a result...the end result was ruined. Prayers can work like that too. If you don't believe that He is going to fix it, and you keep messing around with what you are praying will ruin it...I promise. I have a failed marriage and a failed relationship that followed my divorce to prove it. I just thought that I could help God out a little by jumping in there. I wasted a lot of time and heart ache! I am now happily married, but I could've saved myself some major pain if I just would've shut up, sat back, and believed.
Lastly and most importantly, just like everyone else...I am sure it gets tiring being God and constantly hearing "I want..I want...I want." That is why I think we should all count our blessings and give thanks. I know it is easy to say, "What blessings? I just lost my job, and I am probably going to lose my home." Well, if you have that attitude, then you are probably right. However, how about you concentrate on what you do have.
I don't have a lot of money, but I do have a roof over my head. I don't have a beautiful physique, but I do have a husband that loves every inch of the one I have. I don't have all 4 of my children with me 7 days a week and they all aren't my biological children, but I do have 3 beautiful step-children that love me and 1 biological child adores his mother...and all 4 are healthy and happy. I don't have an up-to-date wardrobe, but I have clothes on my back...which we should ALL be thankful for! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY....I woke up this morning and took in a breath of fresh air. I placed my feet on a firm floor. I stood up on 2 legs that were strong enough to walk me to the bathroom. I was able to eat food today that God blessed me with in our pantry. I was able to see my beautiful children today with my own 2 eyes, and hear their wonderful voices with my own 2 ears. I could wrap my arms around them and hug them! I was able to hug and kiss my husband today, even though our time together was short. I was able to place my hands on this keyboard, think with my brain, and create this blog that I pray someone will say after reading it...."Thank you God for waking me up this morning!"
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1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it better myself and I believe wholeheartedly.